Always Late Mama

Ok so you have tried it all, everything in the book to just be ON TIME for once….

Laying out the kids clothes the night before, packing their lunches, trying to get them in the bed at a reasonable hour…You even set your alarm to get up way earlier before the kids and you’re still running late to get out the door.

I have come to the realization that I need to just give it up… I am not that MOM!! I am never going to be on time. Mornings, kids practices, appointments, etc. I am always texting someone to tell them we are going to be LATE. I have got to quit feeling so guilty.

It’s OK. Why? Because believe it or not, most of us are this way. Just take a deep breath mama! I am right here with you in the same shoes.

I have always been late even before kids. I am not proud of this. I don’t think it’s genetic or due to laziness. I think I was just born to be LATE!

You know what I have discovered? Life NEVER cooperates. There is always something getting in the way of being on time. Whether it’s the kids not cooperating in the mornings (getting out of bed, brushing their teeth, not being able to find their shoes) to right down to not being able to find your car keys. I know I left them right there the night before and just like that they grew legs and walked off. Then once you find them and get the kiddos loaded up and start down the drive one child exclaims they left something in the house. Here lately it’s been my daughter forgetting her lunch box. Ok so we should have been pulling out of the house at 10 min after 7 and here it is now 7:25 am. It takes approx. 20 min to get my kids to their school and that’s on a good day. Last week, well the fog posed an issue, so leaving even 1 min late meant we were gonna be pressed for time.

My daughter struggles with mornings. She downright hates them. I am not fond of them myself. And well since school has started, it hasn’t been quite as bad as it was last year. YET!! I say yet because I worry that she will fall back into that god awful habit of getting up at literally the very minute we have to be walking out the door. She started middle school this year so they have to be at school a little bit earlier than she did last year. And yes, I still have one in elementary school too, so yep you know what that means, he gets to school early and well thank god they both are getting there ON TIME thus far.

So you know what? It’s not OUR fault that we are late. It’s time to put an end to that Running Late Mom Guilt for good.

Why are we late?

Because We Care

We don’t want our kids to look like they just rolled out of bed. We try to get them up and get them dressed properly. Teeth brushed. Hair combed. Oh and a good breakfast too.

So I am just an everyday Running Late Mom. But at least I’m trying. We will eventually get to where we are going. So just be on the lookout for my text, “OTW..” Yep always running late. The story of my life.

Stay tuned to my next post on some tips to help us RUNNING LATE MAMAs!!!

Christy Marie

Seeing Clearer

True confession- I hate washing windows. I have lived in my home for almost two years now. And well I don’t think I have washed my windows one time. Tonight my husband comes to me and asks me to assist him with something. He wanted me to grab the two step stool and follow him outside. He had a bottle of windex and a roll of paper towels in hand. We walked around to the back of the house. I knew then was about to happen. We had been looking through dirty windows for quite some time.

I forgot to get a before picture because I didn’t know what we were about to do when we went outside and didn’t have my phone.

But here’s the beautiful view we now have!!

This is the view we can wake up to each and every morning as long as we keep the windows clean so our eyes can see clearly.

So now that we can see out the windows and look out into the beautiful woods behind our house, we are happy and our windows are healthy again. Just as in the Bible, the eye is the lamp of the body and your eye is healthy but if your eye is bad your whole body will be in darkness.

Matthew 6:22

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.

Have a blessed week!!

Christy Marie

I need to stop being an angry mom!!

I have come to realize that here lately I am becoming more and more angry. Not sure why really, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have a child who constantly is asking for something. And she will not take any form of no from me. Bottom line is she doesn’t have any respect for me as an authority figure. She minds and respects my husband (her stepdad) and I assume she doesn’t disrespect her dad or his gf.

What can I implement? Any moms have issues similar to this?

I also think that my anger is also leaking over into my marriage. Not only am I angry with my kids, but also I am angry period. I have hard feelings towards my ex which is now wrecking havoc into my home. Enough is enough. After a long hard conversation with my honey this evening I have come to realize that I am letting my ex still have control and it’s bringing madness into “our” home. The kids, as well as my husband, deserve so much more from me. It’s time to let the past go and focus on my family. My daughter needs help with changing her behaviors just as I need to implement some changes in my life so that “our” family will run much smoother and live in “happiness”.


My life isn’t what it used to be. It’s difficult some days to realize that I am not living the life I previously knew. I closed a chapter of my life but somehow it continues to flip back open and reap worry into me. I dealt with trust issues and abuse before and now I’m learning how to live again with an incredible man I can call my husband. He is the very man that I feel God placed in my life for me to marry. My husband is a godly man. One that respects me and treats me the way a husband should. We are growing together. We have been married now for a few short months and I realize that no marriage is perfect. But we are learning from each other and we deal with conflict the way a husband and wife should. No it’s not easy I tell you because I am trying to push through old fear from the way I was treated by my children’s dad. It’s getting easier. And I’m so thankful I was blessed beyond measure to have been introduced to this amazing husband of mine. He is definitely a keeper!!


Good morning..Wednesday

The drive to school this am was a bit rough. The fog was so dense you could barely see 5 feet in front of the vehicle. So happy we got out the door on time this. I have alarms set on my phone to remind me when to do things. If I didn’t I would be way behind. Just ask my husband. My phone alarm goes off at different times each am. 😂. I have found that my Fitbit can have silent alarms so that it gently, well more startles me, to wake me or to let me know when it’s time to leave to pick kids up in the afternoon. I also have it set to remind me when it’s time for my evening walk.

I am determined to make some changes in our lives. Where does that start? With God. We attend church when we are able. We listen to a great new local Christian radio station daily. Check it out below and let me know what you think. thejoyfm

And starting this am, we listened to a kids devotion on the way to school. What a great way to start our morning. Keys for Kids

Also we are changing some dietary needs in our household due to recent issues found with my daughter. She has been battling with stomach issues most of her childhood. We contributed a lot of it because of her anxiety. However, after this past weekend being in the hospital, the doctors discovered that she has a hiatal hernia. We are still not sure if she is having issues in her intestines or her colon. They attempted a clean out while she was in the children’s hospital, but we are unsure if it worked completely. Prayers for my sweet girl.

What are some things that your family implements daily?

Send your comments below. Have a blessed day!

Life After Death

This is a difficult subject. It’s hard to move on after the loss of a loved one. Child loss is incredibly devastating especially to a mother. What I wouldn’t give to have one more minute with my son.

I became a mother at the age of 19. My son was born 5 weeks early yet weighed 6 lbs 5.5 oz. Boy, he would have been gigantic had I carried him to term. Life for me changed when I became a mom right out of high school. I had just gotten married only because I had gotten pregnant. My son’s father had joined the Navy and was stationed in Washington State, clear across the country from where I was in Georgia. I had a lot of decisions to make during that time. Would I move or stay in Georgia? Well being a rebellious teen and new parent I decided to pack up and move as far away from home as I could. Unfortunately, over the next several months I realized that was a mistake.

Divorce, that’s what came next! A young couple trying to force a relationship based on a pregnancy and added domestic disputes just wasn’t going to work for me. After just 8 months of living in a new state with my son’s father and going through hell because of his anger issues and drinking, I made the decision to file for divorce and move back home. Georgia is where I belonged. So back to my parents Home is where I returned to. Another difficult time because I was going through a divorce and having to rely on my mom and stepdad to help us. I had put off college when I found out I was pregnant and I really wanted to continue my education at some point. I didn’t like living at home with my parents because I was a rebel child. I made another decision to get my own apartment. Moving out on my own with a child in tow was stressful yet invigorating. Finally some freedom. But tending to a one year old and working full time it became almost impossible to have any free time for myself.

Over the next few years I became engaged then broke it off. Then I met my second husband when my son was 4. I thought this would be the one. Little did I know the next 10 years would be the worst years of my life.

So where does all this lead to. Life after death. After battling with an abusive husband for over 10 years, I finally broke free. By this time I had two children with my now ex and my first born son. Starting over again. Seemed like the story of my life. My son was my rock. He stood by me and helped me each time I had to suffer the abuse. He finally put and end to this horrid cycle one night by telling his step dad enough was enough. No more hitting or hurting his Mama.

The kids and I made another life altering decision and moved out of the family home all the while there was a no contact order in place to protect me and my oldest. It was time for a fresh start back in the town I grew up in. We moved to a little Home just a few streets over from the high school I graduated from. I hoped and prayed this was going to be the best thing for me and my little family of 3. We were a family unit bound together by love. My kids had been through so much their entire life and witnessed things no child should ever have to.

My son finished up his 10th grade year and got his first job at the age of 17. He wanted to do all that he could to help his mama make ends meet. I was working a very low paying job but one that I thoroughly enjoyed. My son started working for an electrician about 45 min from our new to us home. On the morning after cashing his second paycheck, my son lost control of his car and ran off the road, colliding with three trees. He lost his life June 7, 2016. This was the worst day of my entire life, the day my son’s heart stopped.

Life does go on and I’m living proof. My heart still beats twenty six months and seven days after my son took his last breath. I have two precious children to still mother. I will see you again one day my precious baby boy.

Starting Over

Life… where do I begin? After living through hell, going through a separation/divorce because of that hell we lived in, and then losing the very child who believed I deserved better. How does one start over? It’s not easy. My life as I knew it was gone. A few short months of temporary freedom. Freedom from being bound to a man who was verbally, physically and mentally abusive.


So where does one go from here??